国际生物多样性日 “From Agreement to Action”: Business contributions to halting and reversing nature loss by 2030

发表: 2023年5月22日
Author: Maria Campos,自然行动高级助理 & Josip Pervan,政策倡导高级经理 & 成员动员
Type: Insight

22 May is recognized as the 国际生物多样性日 (IDB) by the United Nations to raise awareness about biodiversity concerns. This year’s global celebrations are particularly significant and bring a renewed sense of hope as they coincide with the adoption of the 昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架 (GBF) 在蒙特利尔举行的第十五届缔约方会议上. 为了纪念这一历史性成就, this year’s theme is: “From Agreement to Action: Build Back Biodiversity” 

GBF标志着自然界的“巴黎时刻”. 它把自然问题提升到了和气候问题一样的政治层面, rallying stakeholders at the global level to deliver on a collective mission. The landmark UN Biodiversity Agreement sets the global plan to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030, 包括 4项目标和23项行动目标 -很多都是 与商界相关

所有利益相关者, 包括业务, play a crucial role in this “whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach” to ensure the successful implementation of the GBF, if we want to avoid the catastrophic consequences of continuing biodiversity loss to our communities and our economies. 

在GBF的批准下, the business community has now extra certainty on what will be coming for them in national regulations to deliver on the agenda to halt and reverse nature loss. 除了, 在全球范围内, progress can be tracked across a consistent set of 23 targets and related actions.  


There is no doubt that nature is becoming an ever more critical agenda for business. Investors are increasingly asking companies to understand their impacts on nature, and by 2030 governments will also require business to disclose their impacts on nature (as ratified in 目标15). To deliver on these expectations, business need to start now, and 提高应对自然问题的雄心和行动

根据现有的指导和工具, business have started taking action to meet upcoming requirements, and identifying priority actions to address their most relevant impacts on nature. 通过这些动作, we are starting the journey towards implementation and mapping contributions towards the GBF. 

在通往2024年COP 16的路上, WBCSD and its members are actively working on scaling up implementation, creating and piloting guidance and tools to help business deliver on these targets and contribute to halting and reversing nature loss by 2030, 以及为关键框架做准备,包括 基于科学的自然目标 (SBTN)和 与自然有关的财务披露特别工作组 (TNFD). 

First step is to assess and disclose on their relationship with nature to increase understanding and identify key impacts and dependencies from business activities on nature, and to monitor and report on progress – in line with Target 15. This target is a key lever for accelerating action under other targets, 因此成为成功的主题 “强制”活动 coordinated by 商业为自然 and the Capitals Coalition, 并得到水务署及其许多成员的支持. In total, more than 400 business and finance institutions from 52 countries supported the campaign. 

除了,业务需要确定优先级 承诺 and actions, 解决关键影响和依赖关系, 为GBF的使命和目标做出贡献, 具体来说: 

  • 减少负面影响 靠自然通过努力来实现 减少污染 -与目标7一致. 
  • 避免进一步转换 through sustainable use and better resource management (this may include “biodiversity-friendly” practices such as regenerative agriculture) – in line with Target 10. 
  • 反向自然损失 通过积极地为 恢复生态系统 -与目标3一致. 
  • 鼓励 可持续消费 将食物浪费减半——符合目标16.  

最重要的是 积极自然的路线图 是否绘制出关键影响 & dependencies and identifying priority actions across three high-impact global value chains, Food & 农业, Forest, 建筑环境 and Energy value-chain systems.  This is aligned with broader effort to map sector transitions to 自然的积极 in collaboration with 商业为自然 and the 世界经济论坛. The 一个地球生物多样性事业(OP2B) coalition is also working on scaling up action and implementation towards the GBF, 并在cop15a期间发表 修复行动框架 to help answer the need for harmonization in the ecosystem restoration field by aligning and amplifying action for maximized impact at scale – following the launch of the 再生农业框架 that complements the guidance for business in the agricultural/land-use value chain on restoration and regeneration actions. 

WBCSD aims to move forward the emerging accountability system for nature in a similar way to its approach to carbon accountability and focus on interventions supporting business leaders to sharpen accountability, 提高野心, 并迅速、大规模地采取行动. 

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